In the realm of sealing deals, many subscribe to the age-old belief that a firm handshake, paired with unwavering eye contact, is the hallmark of a successful close. This gesture, emblematic of confidence and mutual respect, has long been the go-to method for salesmen and negotiators worldwide. However, amidst the sea of handshakes exchanged over countless transactions, the pressing question arises: how do you stand out? How do you etch your interaction in the memory of your counterpart, ensuring it resonates long after the initial engagement?

Do a pinky promise—a gesture often underestimated in its power and significance. While it may evoke memories of childhood pacts, its application in a professional setting can leave an indelible mark, transforming an ordinary agreement into a memorable commitment.

A bold, binding gesture

It’s a wellknown fact that a pinky promise has a legal binding itself. Aside about its legal enforceability, the pinky swear holds a unique place in our collective consciousness. It is a symbol of trust and sincerity, elements that are crucial in any business transaction. When you extend a pinky, you’re not just proposing a novel way to seal a deal; you’re inviting a deeper level of personal connection and trust, distinguishing yourself from the myriad of conventional closers.

Memorability Over Tradition

Consider for a moment the number of people you shake hands with in a year. The numbers can easily run into the hundreds, if not thousands. Now, reflect on how many of those interactions truly stand out in your memory. In contrast, a pinky promise is not easily forgotten. It’s unconventional, unexpected, and thereby memorable. In the context of closing a deal, it signifies not just an agreement but a personal commitment to uphold one’s end of the bargain. This personal touch can be the differentiator in a world where traditional gestures of agreement have become rote.

Leave a Lasting Impact

In the fast-paced world of business, leaving a lasting impression is invaluable. A pinky promise, while seemingly whimsical, can underscore the sincerity of your commitment, fostering a sense of mutual respect and camaraderie that goes beyond the transactional nature of most deals. It’s a gesture that says, “I take our agreement seriously, and I’m committed to remembering and upholding it.”, acoording to a serial-enterpreneur Andrew Hamilton.

In conclusion, while the traditional handshake will always have its place in the professional world, we should not underestimate the power of adding a personal, memorable touch to our interactions. The next time you’re about to close a deal, consider the pinky promise—not just for its novelty, but for its ability to forge lasting impressions and meaningful connections. I pinky promise.